Before searching for “PRP vampire facial near me” you should know what it is.
Our skin loses its youthful glow as we age because the blood supply to our faces decreases, causing our skin to lose color
prp vampire facial near me |
and appear dull. The skin's texture becomes less smooth, the sensitive skin beneath the eyes thins, and we frequently get fine lines and wrinkles. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP), is commonly known as a vampire facelift.
The non-surgical vampire facelift is great for:
· Wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes
· reducing lines around the mouth
· removing wrinkles from the nose
· Hands show signs of ageing
· removing wrinkles and frown lines from the brow
· Taking care of tiny smile lines
· The texture is smooth
Acne Scar
During the procedure, a little volume of blood is collected and
centrifuged to obtain platelet-rich
plasma. It is then re-injected into the treatment area to encourage the synthesis
of new elastin and collagen. This will plump
up the skin, fill in fine lines
and wrinkles, and give it a
more radiant appearance, enabling the body to restore the aged skin from within.
The injected platelet-rich plasma encourages the development of
new collagen, which rejuvenates
your skin and makes it look younger and more vibrant. The procedure involves injecting small amounts
of PRP into your skin with very fine needles.
The effects can last up to 18 months, and a touch-up procedure is recommended around this time. Because you
are utilizing your blood, this is a completely non-toxic and hypoallergenic therapy.